
Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, Mostly the Same Goals

Resolutions…some people like them and others think they’re pointless since they are so often broken, but I do like the time that New Year’s affords for additional introspection and consideration. I suppose my resolutions are mostly the same from year to year. In a nutshell, top of my list, this short prayer by Thelma Wells for me says it best:

“Lord, help me change those areas of my life that don’t yet reflect your peace and love.”

It sounds simple as written, yet I imagine that the power behind those words is one that would transform and touch many other areas of our lives if we were to pray it every day.

I think I might have to tape that one to my bathroom mirror.

1 comment:

recovering baptist said...

honestly MJ I don't see many areas of your life that don't reflect "His peace and love."

Happy New Year