
Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It’s incredible: The small, compliant human action of saying “thank you” constantly links us to the awesome Creator of the universe. In the practice of perceiving every part of every day as a gift from Him, we stay connected to Christ. We can’t wander away, as our hearts are so prone to do: as we thank God for His presents we remain in His presence. He says, “You are welcome.” And more. We begin to see things from His point of view. The conversations of a continually grateful heart become a way of life, a fountain flowing in us, the means by which we acknowledge our dependence on Christ, enjoy Him lavishly, and run to do whatever He wants.
~Ellen Vaughn, from "Radical Gratitude"

So, what happens in those quite moments after we say thank you in a prayer?

And God says, “You’re welcome”?

It sounded strange to my ears when I first read the above quote with God saying “You’re welcome." Well, why not? I guess I never thought of that, or maybe I never paused long enough to hear it. We thank Him and that’s that. No response necessary.

Out of curiosity, I looked up the origins of “You’re welcome” and it is mostly a 20th century phrase meaning “Freely given.”

Some cultures don’t even have a translation for “You’re welcome.” They don’t say it. No response is needed. Current English responses include: “No problem.” The Spanish version “de nada” is similar to saying “it’s nothing.”

An interesting translation is the Old English, “Wilcuma” which means “one whose coming is pleasing."

I imagine that it is very pleasing to God when we come to Him with hearts full of thanksgiving.

And maybe, if we listen carefully, in that precious pause after our thanksgiving, he is whispering:
“It was my pleasure”

1 comment:

FCP said...

Love the "freely given" meaning. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Thanksgiving,