“It is always springtime in the heart that loves God.”
~Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney
This week I nearly passed up an opportunity to spend a day enjoying sunshine, cool temps and nature with my mother because I felt like I had too many other pressing responsibilities to handle. Every now and then, we need to listen to those inner voices that offer rest and rejuvenation over our usual “trying to put the big pot in the little pot” (as my cousin would say). So mother and I set out on a wildflower adventure.
When we finally came upon the field pictured here, I teased her, “Ok, get out there and pose!” She commented that I should have someone young and beautiful out among the flowers to photograph instead of her. What could be more beautiful than this pose?!

I doubt someone younger could’ve captured this moment of joyful gratitude in a better manner than she. And if you know my mother this is not the pose of someone who doesn’t know what to do with their hands in a picture. It couldn’t be more intentional and I picked up on it right away. It’s the pose of someone who has embraced life with all its ups and downs, and for whom this outward posture of gratitude reflects an inward celebration of God’s love and blessings.
“Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean revel in him!” Philippians 4:4
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