No matter our age or experience, we are never officially graduated from the learning and growing that comes with our commitment to allow God to be the beloved teacher that molds and makes us into the dedicated student of His Ways and of His Grace. He’s just never done with us! Thank goodness God is a patient and loving teacher because at that very moment we are single-minded and can be proud of what we’ve learned, at the next turn we find ourselves stumbling and in need of further direction.
I'm single-minded in pursuit of you; don't let me miss the road signs you've posted.
~Psalm 119:10
My good friend was telling me last week about a sign that appeared out of nowhere, poking out in the multitude of debris in the backyard of her bayside home, after Hurricane Ike. The sign stated: WEAR SHOES ON PIER
Despite the sign and its clear warning, she chose to walk on the pier without shoes and ended up with a large splinter of wood in her foot. Three months of high-dose antibiotics and a great amount of pain was suffered before it was finally discovered and removed. I knew all about her foot injury, but last week was the first I’d heard of this signage in the yard. I asked for clarification. “You mean there was an actual sign that said that?” She looked me square in the eyes, and said “Right there in the middle of the yard!”
“What I like about experience is that it is such an honest thing. You may take any number of wrong turnings; but keep your eyes open and you will not be allowed to go very far before the warning signs appear.”
~CS Lewis
“Experience is such an honest thing.” And so it is. My friend admitted, “Yes, there was a sign, and yes I ignored it.” Now she has the sign prominently posted at the entrance to their pier, a reminder for all to wear shoes on the pier but also a reminder to herself that God is passionate in his own attempts to communicate and teach us about life and what happens when we go forward and ignore his attempts at guidance.
“Experience is such an honest thing.” And so it is. My friend admitted, “Yes, there was a sign, and yes I ignored it.” Now she has the sign prominently posted at the entrance to their pier, a reminder for all to wear shoes on the pier but also a reminder to herself that God is passionate in his own attempts to communicate and teach us about life and what happens when we go forward and ignore his attempts at guidance.
God, teach me lessons for living so I can stay the course.
~Psalm 119:33
As much as we hate to admit it, the lessons we learn from experience, with all its consequences, are often those we learn the best. We’d like to think we are smart enough to heed warnings and use our common sense; we don’t have to think very long to remember a time we chose to ignore a warning or take a wrong turn…and suffered the consequences.
And should I wander off like a lost sheep - seek me! I'll recognize the sound of your voice.
~Psalm 119:176
My friend’s sign has become for her a “visible physical reminder of [an] invisible spiritual truth” (Vaughn, Ellen). God wants us to invite him to be a part of every step we take but he is like the teacher who is willing to do everything to help the student learn, but knows nothing is accomplished by doing the lesson for them.
My troubles turned out all for the best - they forced me to learn from your textbook. Truth from your mouth means more to me than striking it rich in a gold mine.
~Psalm 119:71-72
We strive to be the kind of student who not only read the textbook, but enjoyed the textbook. And when we finally stand before our Teacher we hope to say:
“Oh, how I love all you revealed.”
~Psalm 119:97
Note: Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the Bible. I outlined and messed around with this blog and found no anchor for my writings until I asked for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and turned to this wonderful Psalm. I used the Message translation and found it to be so full of “good stuff” that I hardly knew what to choose from its rich bounty. I encourage you to look it up and read it in its entirety.
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