Watch for this - a virgin will get pregnant and bear a son; They will name him Emmanuel (Hebrew for "God is with us")
~Matthew 1:23
Charles Stanleywrote this about "God with Us":
"One of the most debilitating emotions is loneliness...That is why one of the most comforting names given to our Savior is Immanuel - God with us. Because of the indwelling Christ, believers are never separated from His permanent presence. We are in Christ and He is in us. What an encouragment! What a comfort! What an assurance! We always have a shoulder to lean on - the broad shoulders of Immanuel. We always have Someone to listen to our heartache - our constant Companion and Friend, Jesus...
Don't let the adversary and accuser rob you of the peace and joy that come from experiencing and enjoying the sweet presence of our God. No sin, no deed, no trial can ever diminish the full presence and acceptance of Christ once you have become His child through faith.
God is with you.
God is for you.
God loves you.
Allow his presence to fill any void.
~Charles Stanley
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