
Friday, December 24, 2010

The Best Gift of All

Back in the day, when I taught Sunday School to the littlest children, I was always coming up with these extravagant craft projects that were probably a little over ambitious with regards to age appropriateness. Part of the fun was breaking down an idea to where it was do-able. This called for lots of behind the scenes preparations.

Pictured above is a present/ornament we made one Christmas. We even made the boxes - I must've been crazy! While it looks like a simple little gift box when closed, you open it up and inside is Baby Jesus in his manger. Hands down, this is my favorite and each Christmas, when I hang one made by each of my own children on the tree, all over again I remember how much fun we had making them. When we did this project, I had enough supplies so each child could make two, one for their family to keep and one to give away to whomever they wanted.

God gave us the gift of his son Jesus that Christmas morn, but it's not a gift he forces on us. I like Luke's tag because it's a reminder that we have a part to play in our own Christmas story.

The sovereign God wants to be loved
for Himself and honored for Himself,
but that is only part of what He wants.
The other part is that He wants us to know
that when we have Him
we have everything --we have all the rest
~A.W. Tozer

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