But I nearly missed it,
Missed seeing his goodness.
I was looking the other way… (Psalm 73:2-3a)
Missed seeing his goodness.
I was looking the other way… (Psalm 73:2-3a)
2011 begins and I fall into the excitement and plans that a new year brings. I’m not sure why this is so because you could say it’s like any other time of year, but I feel the anticipation of a new start and goals rejuvenated. I am MOTIVATED!! Then again, I pretty much do this every year. Like all the people crowding into the gyms on January 2nd, I fall right in with those who step out with a new determination to accomplish and succeed at what may have escaped us last year.
Last week, in the midst of my planning frenzy, thrilled at the list growing in size before me, I happened upon this photo posted by a young friend. I paused barely long enough to tell myself, “Oh yeah, and that too.” But I kept seeing that darn sign in my mind. SLOW DOWN. Drats. Not part of the plan of action. How does that help me accomplish my goals? Even more irritating, it felt true…truer than my lofty plans written on paper.
It’s about balance, isn’t it? And needing to be reminded that for all our goals, we won’t get far if we don’t balance our lives with quiet time spent each day in God’s presence. The older I get, the more I realize the precious gift of even one quiet moment in His presence. The New Year list is safely tucked away in my nightstand for periodic review, but I’m also creating a prayer card to post in my early morning coffee spot to use as a daily reminder:
Open my ears,
Still my thoughts,
Prepare my heart.
Help me yield to your Holy Spirit,
So that today you would delight in teaching me a deeper truth, working mightily through me,
For I long to be your servant.
Open my ears,
Still my thoughts,
Prepare my heart.
Help me yield to your Holy Spirit,
So that today you would delight in teaching me a deeper truth, working mightily through me,
For I long to be your servant.
I’m not scrapping my list. But I do have a new perspective.
The year will unfold as it should.
I’ll be doing well to embrace today with its own unique challenges and blessings.
The year will unfold as it should.
I’ll be doing well to embrace today with its own unique challenges and blessings.
“This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 (NLT)
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