
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Keep Dancing (Trough or Peak or In-Betweens)

It's been far too long since my last blog entry! I'm in a time of transition - good things happening, but I'm also trying to decide how I want to move forward with "Heart In Hand." I feel certain I don't want to give it up, but I can't seem find my next step either. I come across so many little things I want to share with you, but I have this bad tendency of thinking if I don't spend days and days on it (as in the past), it won't be blog worthy. I'm trying to figure out how I transition to a more practical application for my blog when it comes to my busy life. I'm not sure of the answer to yet, but I did find a wonderful quote over the summer by CS Lewis that made me think it's okay (even Spirit driven?) to sometimes sit back and see what happens:

"What would I do now if I had a full assurance that this was only a temporary trough?" and having got the answer, go and do may be good advice to not even try to do in the trough all you can do on the peak."

So I'm going to wait in my little blog trough and see what happens. If you happen to find yourself in your own kind of trough, I pray you will have patience with yourself. In the meantime, we could always dance! 

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