
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Along the Traveled Mile

The photo above was taken at dusk by my son from the passenger side of his truck. Besides it being striking (and that I love images with roads!) it pleased me that the beauty of the moment caused him pause and that it meant enough to him to stop and capture the beauty of it in an artistic way on his camera phone. Creation is all around us - beauty is all around us - if we take the time to appreciate it. And here I have a teenage boy doing just that. Hurrah! 

I asked him if I could use it for my blog and found this poem by one of my Dad's favorite writers which I thought was a perfect pairing. Read to the end because the end isn't quite what the beginning might have you thinking...

The Finer Thought
Edgar Guest

How fine it is at night to say:
I have not wronged a soul to-day.
I have not by a word or deed,
In any breast sowed anger's seed,
Or caused a fellow being pain;
Nor is there on my crest a stain
That shame has left. In honor's way,
With head erect, I've lived this day.

When night slips down and day departs
And rest returns to weary hearts,
How fine it is to close the book
Of records for the day, and look
Once more along the traveled mile
And find that all has been worth while;
To say: In honor I have toiled;
My plume is spotless and unsoiled.

Yet cold and stern a man may be
Retaining his integrity;
And he may pass from day to day
A spirit dead, in living clay,
Observing strictly morals, laws,
Yet serving but a selfish cause;
So it is not enough to say:
I have not stooped to shame to-day!

It is a finer, nobler thought
When day is done and night has brought
The contemplative hours and sweet,
And rest to weary hearts and feet,
If man can stand in truth and say:
I have been useful here to-day.
Back there is one I chanced to see
With hope newborn because of me.

This day in honor I have toiled;
My shining crest is still unsoiled;
But on the mile I leave behind
Is one who says that I was kind;
And someone hums a cheerful song
Because I chanced to come along.
Sweet rest at night that man shall own
Who has not lived his day alone.

1 comment:

George P. said...

Great picture - and a thought -provoking poem. The poem reminded me of this Both seem to reflect the thought that concern for each other is more important than just abiding by the rules!